Sep. 26-29, 2024
Koichiro Matsuo
Tokyo Medical Dental University / JapanByung-Mo Oh
Seoul National University / KoreaDavid Fray
UTHealth Houston School of DentistryGrundmann Erny
Berlin Dental Association / GermanySiti Hamzah
Kajang Hospital / MalaysiaAvanti Karve
University of Sydney / AustraliaKanta Kido
Hokkaido University / JapanTeo-Jeon Shin
Seoul National University / KoreaTatiane Marega
São Leopoldo Mandic / BrazilAngie N Verdugo Rojas
Colombian Association of Dentistry / ColombiaPerlman Steve
Boston University / USAVartanian Barbie
NYU College of Dentistry / USAImke Kaschke
Special Olympics Deutschland / GermanyReena Kumar
Indian Academy of Sports Dentistry / IndiaYoung J Kim
Seoul National University / KoreaTakato Nomoto
Nihon University School / JapanHsuan-lu Alicia Ko
Andersen4Kids Dental Clinic / TaiwanHong-Keun Hyun
Seoul National University School of Dentistry / KoreaDeborah Chan Cheng
Hong Kong Special Care Dentistry Association / Hong KongUdijanto Tedjosasongko
Universitas Airlangga / IndonesiaPratibha Kukreja
PRIVATE PRACTICE, Pandit Clinic, Dentistry for children, teens and special needs / IndiaNarae Choi
Seoul National University / KoreaGuang Xu David Lim
Petite Smiles Children’s Dental Clinic / singaporeEthel Toh
National University Singapore / singaporeMaryani Mohamed Rohani
Universiti Malaya / MalaysiaAisyah binti Ahmad Fisal
Universiti Malaya / MalaysiaJessica Francis
Universiti Malaya / MalaysiaTokyo Medical Dental University Japan
Dr. Matsuo earned both D.D.S. and Ph.D. degrees from Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Tokyo, Japan. He joined the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Johns Hopkins University as a post-doctoral research fellow and an assistant professor for 6 years (2005-08). He was back to Japan in 2008, and appointed to current position in 2021.
His clinical interests include geriatric dentistry for frail elderly individuals having physical disabilities, systemic diseases, and/or feeding difficulties. He is currently working in Oral Health Center to see inpatients with various diseases in a medical hospital. His recent research has focused on oral health and oral frailty in older individuals and fundamental understanding of physiology and pathophysiology of mastication and swallowing.
UTHealth Houston School of Dentistry Houston, Texas
Since 2015, Professor at UTHealth Houston School of Dentistry with an appointment at Baylor College of Medicine in the Adult Transitional Medicine Clinic serving more than 2000 adults with intellectual disabilities. Past President of the Academy of Dentistry for Persons with Disabilities (SCDA) and on the Board of the Special Care Dentistry Association. Past President of the American Academy of Developmental Medicine and Dentistry (AADMD).
Received DDS in 1979 from University of Texas School of Dentistry and MBA in 1997 from Oklahoma City University. In private dental practice for 14 years and then served as Director of the Arkansas Health Center and Arkansas Department of Human Services Developmental Disability Division from 1997 to 2002. Served as Chief of the Developmental Disability Division in the Hawaii Department of Health from 2002 to 2015. Served as Dental Director for United Family Health Hospital, Guangzhou, China 2013 -2016.
Research interests are in health policy, collaborative care and interprofessional curriculum serving adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities.
Seoul National University Korea
Berlin Dental Association Germany
Kajang Hospital Malaysia
Dr. Hamzah is currently a Specialist in Special Care Dentistry (SCD) in Ministry of Health Malaysia (MOH), National Head of Special Care Dentistry Service, MOH since 2011 until present and also is the Head of Department of Special Care Dentistry, Kajang Hospital. She has been involved in the development of the SCD service in Malaysia right from the beginning which includes the development of the facilities (setting up of SCD units throughout the country), promoting the service and creating awareness among the dental professionals through courses, seminars and workshops. She has also participated in many minor studies and research and appointed as a writer, translator, accreditor and reviewer for several articles concerning SCD in a website called MyHealth Portal belong to the MOH. She is also a permanent panel interviewer for potential candidates applying for MOH scholarship for postgraduate dental program, the Chair of Panel of Assessors for Postgraduate Dental Programs for Malaysian Qualifying Agency and the member of Board of Study in a few local universities. She has presented paper work in the national and international conferences including iADH conferences in Melbourne (2012), Berlin (2014), Dubai (2018) and Paris (2022). Other international conferences include Asian Association for Disability and Oral Health, World Down Syndrome Congress etc. She was the past of Chair of International Advisory Committee for iADH and currently holding the secretary position of iADH. She is currently working to collaborate with other medical disciplines such as Geriatric and Rehabilitation Medicine and also Palliative Care in the management of patients with special needs, research and organizing conferences. Her current project and has been fully supported financially by MOH is the inclusion of Conscious Sedation for Dentistry as part of the component provided by SCD service as well as the development of Guideline in Domiciliary Oral Healthcare Service in the Ministry of Health Malaysia. She is also involved in the strategic planning of future SCD in Malaysia focusing on service expansion, facility development and improvement, manpower reosurces, in service training as well as financial budgetting.
University of Sydney Australia
Hokkaido University Japan
Seoul National University Korea
Indian Society for Dental Research India
National and Institutional
Dr. VIJAY PRAKASH MATHUR has been working in AIIMS for past 24 years and has been serving in various capacities and is currently heading the Department of Pediatric Dentistry at CDER, AIIMS. He has been involved in National Oral Health Programme since its pilot phase in year 2000. He has served a advisor, selection committee member, expert and inspector in various statutory works for the Govt. He has been awarded with Founder President Award of Indian Society for Dental Research and Dr J. G Kanappan Award for Maximum citations. He received prestigious Commonwealth Academic Fellowship in 2014 to University College London. He has 193 publications and contributions in the books. His citations have reached 2450 with H index of 27 and i10 index of 56. He has presented more than 370 papers in the International and National prestigious conferences. He has been part of about 42 research projects funded by different organizations. He has travelled extensively for scientific presentations and discussions for FDI, IADR and American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. Dr Mathur carries interests in Special needs children, Soft Tissue Lasers, Dental Traumatology, Early Childhood caries, Health related quality of life, , Biomedical Research Ethics, National Programmes, policies and implementation.
Dr Mathur has recently presented prestigious WHO technical dialogue on 20 March 2023 for WHO SEARO on Oral Health relating suffering in Early Childhood: are we failing as a society. Dr Mathur has also undertaken projects for development of guidelines for oral disease prevention and care for people with special need and for oral health management in Hemophilics.
São Leopoldo Mandic Brazil
Colombian Association of Dentistry Colombia
Dentist with a biological-surgical emphasis from the Colombian Dental College - UNICOC. Specialist and Master in Dentistry in Oncological and Immunocompromised Patients from the University of Barcelona. Specialist in Business Management from the University of the Rosary. President and Founder of ACOPNE - Colombian Association of Dentistry for Patients with Special Needs. National and international speaker.
Seoul National University Korea
Young J Kim is a professor at the Seoul National University. He is the chair of the department of Pediatric Dentistry and the vice President of the University Dental Hospital. He was formerly the president of Seoul dental hospital for the people with disabilities. He is president of KADH (Korean associations for disability and oral health) as well as AADOH (Asia Association for Disability and Oral Health). He is vice chair of iADH(International association for the disability and oral health) executive and Board of Directors at IAPD(International Association of Paediatric Dentistry). He received dental degree (DDS, MSD, PhD) from Seoul National University, Korea and worked for the advanced research at UCLA. He gave lots of invited lectures for the numerous conference and dental societies for various countries. He volunteered for several mission trips to provide dental care to underserved populations in Uganda, Mongolia, Laos, Myanmar, Vietnam, Peru etc. Dr. Kim continues to provide lectures and hands on program for dental societies in developing countries with a focus on caries prevention and special needs dentistry. He published more than 250 papers and textbooks of Pediatric Dentistry and Special Care Dentistry.
Indian Academy of Sports Dentistry India
NYU College of Dentistry USA
Ms. Barbie Vartanian is the Director of Oral Health Advocacy and Policy Initiatives at the NYU College of Dentistry. As the nation’s largest dental school, NYU College of Dentistry is uniquely poised to lead advocacy and policy advancements for those with disabilities. The NYU College of Dentistry’s Oral Health Center for People with Disabilities (OHCPD) addresses a major public health challenge by providing comprehensive, compassionate dental care for people with a full range of disabilities who experience significant barriers to accessing care. Ms. Vartanian will leverage the work of OHCPD to address the disparities and ensure equitable health outcomes for individuals with disabilities.
Prior to her role at NYU, Ms. Vartanian held the role of Executive Director, Project Accessible Oral Health, a global initiative focused on improving the health equity of the more than 61 million individuals living with a physical or intellectual disability.
Ms. Vartanian also led the Pacific Dental Services Foundation. She was instrumental in the development of a training program for dental professionals that focuses on improving the access and overall care for individuals with special needs.
Her most important role is mother to her son with Autism. She understands firsthand the barriers he faces and will continue to face throughout his life. Once Sam was diagnosed, she knew she needed to do something more, to be his voice, his advocate, and his champion!
She also sits on the boards of several non-profit organizations such as the NYU College of Dentistry Center for People with Disabilities Advisory Board, CareQuest Pandemic Response Group, ECLC of New Jersey, Positive Exposures, Concorde Career College National Advisory Board, Hackensack Meridian Health Autism Center Committee, The Center for Oral Health, OPEN National Response Team on Disability and Inclusion, COVID-19 Public-Private Partner Dental Coordination Group and multiple state oral health coalitions and taskforces on disability and oral health.
Boston University/USA
Universiti Malaya Malaysia
She is a dental lecturer, clinical specialist, and assistant coordinator for the postgraduate and coordinator for the undergraduate programmes in Special Care Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Malaya. She completed her Bachelor of Dental Surgery (Malaya) in 2007, and Doctor of Clinical Dentistry (Special Needs Dentistry) (Melbourne) in 2016. She had served the Ministry of Health (2007-2021) and was the head of speciality for the state of Sarawak (2020-2021) before embarking on the role of an academician. Her research areas of interest are Special Care Dentistry, Behavioural Support and Geriatric Dentistry. She is also the elected treasurer of the Malaysian Association of Disability and Oral Health and a member of the International Association of Disability and Oral Health.
Universiti Malaya Malaysia
Universiti Malaya Malaysia
No. | Position | Duration |
1 | Dental officer at Bahagian Rawatan Utama, UM | 16th April 2009- 22nd January 2012 |
2 | Trainee lecturer | 23rd January 2012- 6th December 2014 |
3 | Dental lecturer | 7th December 2014- present |
National University Singapore Singapor
Ethel brings a wealth of experience as an Oral Health Therapist from her roles in both academic and clinical practice. With a special interest in geriatric care and providing dental care for individuals with special needs, Ethel actively delivers Professional Oral Care Intervention (POCI) to nursing homes residents and facilitates Dental Education Programmes for the elderly at Active Ageing Centres and medical home care teams. As the founder of a non-profit organization in Singapore, she is dedicated to improving oral health outcomes for the underserved populations.
In addition, Ethel currently serves as the President of the Association for Oral Health Therapists (Singapore) and in this capacity, she leads the council in contributing to the advancement of the profession in Singapore.
Petite Smiles Children’s Dental Clinic Singapor
Seoul National University Korea
PRIVATE PRACTICE, Pandit Clinic, Dentistry for children, teens and special needs India
Universitas Airlangga Indonesia
No. | Level | Institution | Major | Year of Graduation |
Place |
1 | High School | SMA Negeri V | 1987 | Surabaya Indonesia | |
2 | Undergraduate | Faculty of Dental Medicine Universitas Airlangga | Dentistry | 1992 | Surabaya Indonesia |
3 | Postgraduate | Faculty of Dentistry Hiroshima University | Pediatric Dentistry | 2000 | Hiroshima Japan |
4 | Pediatric Dentist Specialist | Faculty of Dental Medicine Universitas Airlangga | Pediatric Dentistry | 2003 | Surabaya Indonesia |
No. | Position | Period | Institution | |
1 | Teaching Staff | 1993 ~ now | Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Faculty of Dental Medicine | Universitas Airlangga |
2 | Specially Appointed Associate Professor | April 2011 ~ September 2012 | Department of International Collaboration Development for Dentistry (ICDD) | Faculty of Dentistry Hiroshima University Japan |
3 | Head of Department | 2016 - 2020 | Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Faculty of Dental Medicine | Universitas Airlangga |
4 | President of Indonesian Pediatric Dentist Association | 2016 - 2022 | Indonesian Pediatric Dentist Association | Indonesia |
5 | Professor | August 2023 | Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Faculty of Dental Medicine | Universitas Airlangga |
Hong Kong Special Care Dentistry Association Hong Kong
Deborah worked in the Government Dental Service since graduation and has retired from the service in 2012. Together with other colleagues who are concerned about the oral health of the special needs patients, she founded the Hong Kong Special Care Dentistry Association in 2013, and Loving Smiles Foundation Limited in 2014. On behalf of the two organizations, she has been managing the special care dental centre dedicated to serving the persons with special needs.
Seoul National University School of Dentistry Korea
Dr. Hong-Keun Hyun is currently a full professor and chair at the Department of Pediatric Dentistry, School of Dentistry, Seoul National University, Republic of Korea, and is also working for the Seoul National University Dental Hospital. He graduated from the College of Dentistry at Seoul National University (DDS) in 1998 and received an MSD (2001) and PhD (2008) at Seoul National University. He also received a 1-year internship and 3-year post-graduate resident training at Seoul National University Hospital and a national license as a specialist in pediatric dentistry from the Ministry of Health and Welfare, Republic of Korea. He studied as a visiting associate professor at the Department of Restorative Dentistry, Division of Biomaterials and Biomechanics, School of Dentistry, Oregon Health & Science University, OR, USA. He is the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of the Korean Academy of Pediatric Dentistry and the Vice President of the Korean Association for Disability and Oral Health. He is a fellow of the International Association for Disability and Oral Health, the International Association of Dental Traumatology, and the International Association of Paediatric Dentistry. He has published more than 200 peer-reviewed scientific articles, including more than 60 SCIE journal articles. He has been a reviewer for more than 20 SCIE journals, including the Journal of Dental Research, Dental Materials, and the International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry. His research interests include the optical and physical aspects of restorative biomaterials and clinical investigations regarding pediatric dentistry and dental traumatology. He is on the editorial board of the Journal of Dental Research, the International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry, and the Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. He has presented as an invited speaker at international congresses such as the International Association for Dental Research, the International Association of Paediatric Dentistry, the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, the Pediatric Dentistry Association of Asia, and the Chinese Society of Pediatric Dentistry.
Nihon University School Japan
Andersen4Kids Dental Clinic Taiwan
Special Olympics Deutschland Germany
Imke Kaschke studied dentistry at the Dental School of the Humboldt-University (Charitè) in Berlin, Germany from 1980 to 1985 and Public Health at the Free University Berlin from 2006 to 2008. She got a PhD in 1988 and a MPH in 2008. She worked as a senior physician in the Department for Conservative and Preventive Dentistry (Charité) from 1985 till 2009. In addition to her teaching responsibilities she led a special consulting hour for patients with special needs. In 2009 she starts to work as the Manager Healthy Athletes of Special Olympics Germany. Now she heads the department of health as the Director for Health. As Regional Clinical Advisor Special Smiles, she is a volunteer for the SOI Europe / Eurasia region.
She is a consultant for Patients with Special needs of the German Dental Association as well as the Vice-chairman of the German iADH “German Association for Dentistry for patients with special needs”. and a Council member of iADH for Germany. Her main fields in clinical work and research, for National and International publications and oral presentations are public health questions, preventive care and dental treatment for patients with special needs.
She has been honored for her work with several awards in German dentistry and in June 2023 with the International Golisano Leadership Award.