iADH2024 Seoul

International Association for Disability & Oral Health (iADH)
Korean Association for Disability & Oral Health (KADH)

Bridging the Gap in Dental Care: Now and Beyond

Sep. 26-29, 2024

Award Guidelines

Application Deadline until 30th April, 2024

Calling IADH Members – Seoul 2024 Research Competition

Abstracts are invited on the theme of Special Care Dentistry (SCD).

Within the iADH definition, SCD concerns those individuals with an activity restriction, a health condition and/or a disability that directly or indirectly affects their oral health, within the personal and environmental context of that individual.

This population may include patients of all ages, medically compromised patients, people with disabilities, people with psychiatric illness, people who experience incarceration, marginalized groups such as refugees and people experiencing homelessness, persons with dental fear or anxiety, etc.

Original clinical research, basic scientific research, case reports or studies, oral health promotion initiatives, behavioural interventions, education in SCD, community and social responsibilities (CSR) programmes and wider topics will be considered.

Submissions are encouraged both from dentists and other oral health professionals, such as dental hygienists / therapists and dental nurses as well as the wider SCD team – physicians, speech therapists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, nurses and educators / academics.

Abstract submission opens NOW and closes on 1st April 2024.

Abstract categories
  1. Basic and Translational research
  2. Clinical research
  3. Education research
  4. Case reports

All submitted abstracts will be reviewed by the iADH Scientific committee.

Authors may choose to enter the oral or poster presentation awards competition.
Please indicate your preference in the tick box provided when submitting the abstract.

Awards will be made for:
  1. Best basic research or translational research (oral presentation).
  2. Best clinical research (oral presentation)
  3. Best education research (oral presentation)
  4. Best case report (poster presentation)
  5. Best early career research (oral presentation) for those up to 35 years of age.

Presentations will be judged by the iADH scientific committee.
The oral presentations must be given in English.
Prize winning authors will be awarded a certificate.

Please note that you need to be member of iADH or one of the allied national member societies.
If you are not a member of a national member society affiliated to iADH you can join as an individual member.

Please contact membership@iadh.org to acquire your individual membership number.

KADH Mega-Choi Award

Dear young researchers and clinicians,

KADH is awarding the Mega-Choi award to help young researchers and clinicians studying the Special Care Dentistry.

This award is in honor of the Japanese professor Mega who worked hard for the improvement of KADH as a director of International Affairs in JSDH.

It is based on the fund created by Korean Dr. Jae-young Choi in memory of him. KADH plan to receive applications from people who make oral or poster presentations and support up to $750 for 5 people.

Award Criteria:
  • Be the presenting author of an accepted abstract for a scientific oral or poster presentation at iADH 2024 Seoul
  • Provide a cover letter of a maximum 500 wards, including the following information:

    your activities goals related to special care dentistry in your country

  • Be resident and employed in a developing country as defined by the World Data Bank (the list of eligible countries is given on the iADH 2024 website, registration page)

Please go to abstract submission to apply the awards.