iADH2024 Seoul

International Association for Disability & Oral Health (iADH)
Korean Association for Disability & Oral Health (KADH)

Bridging the Gap in Dental Care: Now and Beyond

Sep. 26-29, 2024

Program at a Glance

Oral Presentation 5 - Basic and Translational Research

DAY 2 - Sep 28 (Sat) / Orchid 3
No Time Serial Title Presenting Author
1 10:30 - 10:35 O-012 Preliminary process evaluation of The Oral Health Care Path Plus (TOHCPP) intervention Inès Phlypo
2 10:35 - 10:40 O-013 Making Smiles Happen: Social Impact and Challenges of a Regional Volunteer Dental Health Project Aiko Nagae
3 10:40 - 10:45 O-015 Analysis of gut microbiota from patients with dysphagia after ingesting fermented cabbage Tatsuya Mayama
4 10:45 - 10:50 O-016 Protocol for Caries Prevention Dental Rehabilitation at the Cleft Leadership Centre Bangalore, India Priyal Sheth Mehta
5 10:50 - 10:55 O-017 The Modified Oral Status Survey Tool: Development and Psychometric Properties Katrina Byrne
6 10:55 - 11:00 O-018 Innovating Geriatric Oral Healthcare: Synthesis of a Neoteric Oral Healthcare Resource Tool for Caregivers of Elderly Arpit Gupta
7 11:00 - 11:05 O-020 Factors Associated with Dental Service Utilization among Adults with Hearing Impairment in Indonesia: A Mixed-Methods Study Atik Ramadhani
8 11:05 - 11:10 O-021 Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Among Adolescents with Intellectual Disabilities Ilhaam Abbas
9 11:10 - 11:15 O-022 Co-designing mouthcare plans: ‘Nothing about us without us’ Caoimhin Mac Giolla Phadraig
10 11:15 - 11:20 O-023 Achieving better Oral Health Gain for special needs population in Wisconsin through organized community effort Altaf Shah